The following paragraphs set out the Company’s policy in providing a safe and healthy office environment for staff and others who may be affected by its operations, and in complying with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and any other relevant legislation.
General Statement Of Policy
It is the policy of the Company to take all reasonably practicable steps to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of its staff and of visitors to any of its premises or any others affected by its operations. The promotion of health and safety measures is regarded as a mutually beneficial objective for management and employees at all levels. The avoidance of hazards arising from the Company’s operational activities, services or products is of paramount importance. To this end, the Company undertakes to provide whatever information, training and supervision is needed, and to allocate responsibilities appropriately.
The policy will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.
The policy is intended to prevent, by all practical means, any occurrence or circumstances which may directly or indirectly result in:-
v the injury or illness of staff or visitors,
v damage to, or loss of, property, equipment or materials, or
v events which may be detrimental to the efficiency or prestige of the Company
The Managing Director is responsible for all applicable health and safety matters, which includes ensuring that the provisions of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and all associated regulations and legislation are met and that the Company’s organisation, arrangements and procedures are implemented. In the case of the self-employed and/or temporary workers, operating under a contract for services, the health and safety responsibilities are shared between the worker and client employer. The Company will pass on all relevant information on any qualifications and skills the temporary worker needs in order to carry out the work safely.
The responsibility for ensuring that policy decisions are fulfilled at all the Company’s premises is that of the Company Secretary and the Office Services Manager. This role includes:
v Recommending policy changes and specific preventative measures;
v Dealing with correspondence from/to the Health and Safety Executive and any other relevant bodies and with any inspection visits and ensuring that all required statistics (e.g. accidents) are maintained;
v Authorising the purchase of safety equipment and literature, subject to Company controls;
v Arranging or providing safety training for staff as necessary;
v Carrying out risk assessments and recommending/taking action to reduce identified risks as much as is reasonably practicable (see Section 34 below);
v Ensuring that there is an adequate number of trained fire marshals and qualifie d first aiders among the staff;
v Ensuring that all required notices are prominently displayed;
v Ensuring that plant and equipment (including electrical equipment) is properly maintained;
v Carrying out general housekeeping and overseeing contractors.
Responsibility for obtaining adequate insurance cover (e.g. employer’s liability) will rest with the Company Secretary.
v All Directors and Managers have a responsibility for applying the principles of the Company’s health and safety policy to the areas under their control. They must:-
v Ensure that their staff have a safe and healthy environment in which to work;
v Encourage their staff to adopt sensible working practices,
v Alert the Office Services Manager to any risks or hazards immediately on discovery,
v Co-operate with any health and safety inspections or risk assessments, and
v Ensure that adequate training is provided in the use of any equipment.
All staff have certain legal responsibilities while at work. These include:-
v Working safely and efficiently, taking all reasonable steps to safeguard his/her safety and that of any other person who may be affected by his/her actions
v Using protective equipment provided and meeting statutory obligations
v Reporting accidents/incidents that have or could have caused injury or damage
v Adhering to the Company’s’ health and safety policy and procedures for securing a safe place of work
v Not interfering with or misusing anything provided by the Company in the interests of health and safety
v Assisting in the investigation of accidents with the objective of facilitating the introduction of measures for preventing recurrence
v Identifying potential hazards and reporting them for corrective action
The Company will provide appropriate instruction, training, supervision and information to enable all employees to perform their work safely and efficiently. Training will be provided to employees to ensure that they are aware of their duties and responsibilities and that health and safety is a prime consideration in all aspects of their work and the work of contractors, customers and visitors on the Company premises.
All employees are required to complete an online training course and assessment on fire safety and use of display screen equipment. Failure to complete the training within the required timescales may lead to action under the Company’s disciplinary procedures.
Staff views and questions relating to health and safety matters are actively encouraged and should be raised with their respective Line Manager or Director or, HR Department as appropriate.
Neglect of health and safety requirements will be regarded as a serious disciplinary matter.
Accidents & First Aid
In the event of an accident/illness you must inform a first aider, they will have access to a First Aid box. All accidents are to be reported to the first aiders for entry into the Accident Book held in the Office Services Manager’s office. Potential accidents/incidents are to be reported to your line Manager or HR Department.
First Aiders
A current list of first aiders and their extensions is available on the intranet and from HR or Reception. In addition, if you need a first aider please call the Lync Group called “First Aider – Crawley” in the first instance. This group will call all the first aiders at the same time until someone answers.
Fire Safety
Health and Safety as a critical issue
Employees are our most valuable assets therefore:
v We have a moral obligation to protect against pain, suffering, disability, and loss of earnings. As such we will take as reasonable steps to ensure their health and safety at work.
v We have an economical obligation to protect the business against retraining, lost time, repair and loss of production and customers!
v Finally, we have a legal obligation as part of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. This is in place to protect everyone; the public, visitors, contractors and of course YOU. Under this Act, both employers and employees – including you – have responsibilities. It is essential that you understand and comply with your responsibilities.
Fire Safety
General Fire Prevention
William Reed offices are fitted throughout with a modern fire detection system that complies with the current legislation, designed to give a high level of protection to people and property.
Clearly labelled fire extinguishers are fitted throughout the premises. Escape routes are visibly marked and must be kept clear at all times.
Employees must ensure that:
v Unwanted flammable / combustible materials are disposed of regularly and in the correct receptacles
v Non-essential electrical equipment is switched off at night and plugs are removed
v Fire extinguishers are not moved other than for their intended purpose
v Fire doors are not propped open
v Only designated areas are used for smoking, vaping is not permitted in any of the buildings and will activate the fire alarm system.
Evacuation Procedure
When the fire alarm sounds:
v Leave the building immediately using the nearest safe fire exit route
v Do not use the lifts
v Do not return to your desk
v Do not visit the bathrooms
v Do not run
v Do not shout and scream
v Do not wait to conclude meetings
v Do not stop to collect belongings
Please use the stairs at either side of the building ensuring you hold both handrails as you make your way down the staircase. Once you have left the building, make your way calmly round to the designated assembly point, ensuring your route keeps you away from smoke, heat and flames. Be aware that emergency services may be arriving during this time also and require access to the car park areas. When assembling report to the fire marshal for your floor. Remain there until you receive further instruction from the person in charge (Facilities Manager, Incident Commander, Security Officer or fire marshals). Fire marshals will ensure the floors are clear and will give instructions once at the assembly point.
In the North Car Park, this is at the far end of the carpark, close to the boundary with the stadium. For South Building, this is next to the gate which leads to the lake. A green assembly point sign is displayed in both locations, please make yourself familiar with their location.
Assembly Area – LONDON OFFICE
Outside of the main entrance, on Ely Place.
On arrival there, report to your immediate manager or department secretary.
Remain there until other instructions are given by the Fire Brigade, a Police Officer, the office manager or a Fire Warden.
Fire Marshals
There will be trained Fire Marshals who will assist all persons during emergency evacuations, please follow their instructions whilst you are making your way to your designated assembly point.
46.4.1 Discovering a fire
- If you discover a fire you should follow the steps outlined below.
- Immediately operate the nearest manual “Break Glass” unit to sound the alarm.
- If you are at Broadfield Park during normal office hours, dial the switchboard operator using the number 188 and say where the fire is. Outside of office hours call the Fire Brigade directly on 999, give the company name and address and wait for them to repeat it correctly, if possible make the call on a mobile phone while evacuating the building.
- Only if it is safe to do so and you are trained appropriately, attack the fire using the correct type of fire extinguisher, but without taking personal risks. Operate only from a position between the fire and an immediate exit to safety.
- Do not move blazing objects.
- If firefighting is not possible or is unsuccessful, proceed via the nearest, safe exit route to your Assembly Area in either the North or South Car Park.
Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, employers are required to assess risks to their employees and any others who may be affected by their operations, to record the significant findings of their assessments and to take appropriate measures to fulfil their statutory obligations.
Display Screen Equipment
The following guidelines should be followed when using display screens to make your workstation more comfortable and easy to use.
v Adjust your chair and VDU to find the most comfortable position
- Ensure your arms are horizontal with the keyboard
- Ensure your eyes are at the same height as the top of the VDU casing
- Your feet should be flat on the floor, if they are not use a foot rest.
v Make sure there is enough space under your desk to move your legs free
- Move any obstacles such as boxes or equipment.
v Adjust your keyboard and screen to get a good keying and viewing position.
- Make sure you have enough work space for whatever documents you need
- Ensure bright lights are not reflected in the screen.
- Do not directly face windows without blinds or bright lights.
- Look into the distance periodically to change focus and refresh your eyes.
DO NOT bend your hands up at the wrist when keying.
DO NOT rest your wrists on the desk when keying.
DO NOT sit in the same position for long periods; make sure you change your posture as often as practicable.
Eye & Eyesight Tests
You should have your eyes tested at regular intervals, according to the clinical judgment of the optometrist or doctor (usually every one or two years). You can claim your eye tests through Medicash. You can also use Medicash to contribute towards glasses or contact lenses. Please visit the Intranet or contact the HR Department for more details.
Lifting And Manual Handling
An employee must not lift, carry or move any load which is so heavy or awkward as to be likely to cause that employee injury. No employee is authorised to carry out any lifting or manual handling without first undertaking appropriate training. If you need assistance to move an object, contact the post room.
Good housekeeping, i.e. tidiness and good order, is one of the basic principles of accident prevention. The floor surfaces of all work access and access ways must be kept free from unnecessary obstruction and any substance likely to cause people to slip or fall must be cleaned up at once.
Proper use must be made of containers provided for the disposal of rubbish. Employees must ensure that goods and equipment are never left in a position where they may fall and cause injury.
All goods and equipment must be stored tidily and safely with no risk of toppling, falling or overloading shelving. All drawers of filing cabinets should be equally loaded and never more than one drawer at a time must be opened. Employees must use the correct equipment (such as ladders or steps) for work above ground level; they must not use chairs, boxes or other makeshift means.
Good housekeeping, high standards of cleanliness and order are essential for fire prevention. The accumulation of combustible waste must be avoided at all times. All fire exits, stairways; fire exit routes, fire points, electrical switchgear, passageways and gangways must be kept clear of obstruction.
Electrical Equipment
The use of electrical equipment other than that provided or approved by the Company is strictly forbidden. All electrical circuits are presumed ‘live’ unless it is known for certain they are ‘dead’.
No unauthorised person is permitted to adjust, repair, connect, disconnect or tamper with any part of any installation, switch-board wiring, fittings or portable tools; any defect must be reported immediately to the Manager.
Control Of Substances Hazardous To Heath (COSHH)
Some substances in the workplace, such as cleaning fluids, may be harmful to individuals or the environment. If this is the case, the container will display a warning symbol and instructions for use. Before using the substance, read the warnings and instructions carefully and notify a first aider if you spill it on yourself.